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AOP Photography Awards

The 39th AOP Photography Awards are open to all AOP Accredited Photographer and Assisting Photographer members

© Todd Antony 

DOCUMENTARY Category Finalists

Featured Image © Jonathan Browning

Factual / observational photography and short form film documenting real-life that informs or promotes ideals. Includes photojournalism and reportage photography.

Judged by:

  • Olivia Arthur, Magnum Photos Photographer
  • Laura Summerton, Photography Manager, Water Aid
  • Krishna Sheth,  Head of Photography, The Economist – 1854 Magazine

Category Sponsor

Wex Photo Video

It was a delight to spend time looking through the entries for this year’s documentary category. The breadth of stories presented was both impressive and diverse, showcasing an array of perspectives and innovative approaches to photographic storytelling. The entries offered glimpses into different worlds or unique experiences, highlighted the talent and creativity of the photographers who entered, and underscored the richness of documentary photography as a genre.

Congratulations to Finalists:

  • Todd Antony

  • Thom Atkinson

  • Jonathan Browning

  • Nick Dolding

  • Dvora, 2 nominations

  • Graeme Fordham

  • Ben Gold

  • Adam Hinton

  • Henrik Knudsen


  • Lesley Lau

  • Hannah Maule-ffinch

  • Matthew McQuillan

  • Euan Myles

  • Dan Prince

  • Benedict Redgrove

  • Nigel Riches

  • David Ryle

Moving entries

Thank you to our Awards Sponsors

Headline: MPB

Showcase Sponsor: Genesis Imaging

Category Sponsors:

Supported By

AOP Photography Awards

The AOP Photography Awards are known as the ‘Oscars’ of the photography world. They celebrate excellence in the creative photography and image-making industry.
This is your chance to be seen by leading commissioners and names within the photographic industry.
Check out our 39th AOP Awards FINALISTS…